Hemet Elementary Celebrates Literacy with a Book Giveaway!

On Tuesday, December 19, Hemet Elementary School experienced a heart-warming celebration of literacy! Thanks to a partnership with dd’s DISCOUNTS Store and First Book, every student was treated to a special book giveaway where they received not one but two books! In addition, every teacher received three books for use in their classroom. The collaboration between the school and dd’s DISCOUNTS resulted in a remarkable donation of $5,500, allowing Hemet Elementary to acquire over 2,000 books. This generous contribution not only brought smiles to the faces of eager students but also served as a powerful investment in promoting literacy among students.

The funds raised by dd’s DISCOUNTS customers empowered the school to purchase a diverse selection of books, which spanned various genres, ensuring there was something for every reader’s taste and abilities. Mrs. Tiffany Mitchell, Alternative to Suspension Teacher, led the efforts to make this giveaway possible. Mrs. Mitchell shared, “This is our second year partnering with dd’s DISCOUNTS and First Book for this book giveaway. Last year, dd’s DISCOUNTS customers raised over $4,400! We are profoundly grateful to dd’s DISCOUNTS and their customers for making this possible for our students.” The partnership truly showcases the positive impact that businesses and their patrons can have on local education, emphasizing the importance of collaboration in nurturing the next generation.

Principal Joseph Romero shared, “Our students love the experience and are going into the holidays with a new book in their hands.” The ripple effect of this initiative is sure to leave a lasting impression on the hearts and minds of the young scholars at Hemet Elementary School.